I have been actively revising and picking up new programming languages and frameworks. I brushing up on my C++ and JSP whilst also picking up C# and struts and android. I have books and magazine to help me through the learning process and in going through them, i accepted the recommended IDEs that i have to use. I have different IDEs for each of them. I list the IDEs that i use below.
Language/Framework | IDE Name | Home Page |
JSP & Struts | NetBeans | http://netbeans.org/index.html |
C++ | Code::Block | http://www.codeblocks.org/home |
C# | Mono | http://mono-project.com/Main_Page |
Android | Eclipse | http://www.eclipse.org/ |
One thing that is common in all of them is they are free for me to use. I won’t delve much except for some comments on the installation and configuration.
Installation for all of them should be straight-forward as they come as an installation package for both Windows and Linux. I run Mono on Ubuntu while all others are on Windows XP.
Most require configuration after installation. Instruction are easily available. Amount of configuration varies.
- Code::Block does require much configuration except for setting the type of compiler.
- Setting up the android development environment can be quite lengthy due to the amount of download. Besides eclipse, it requires the JRE, SDK and plugin.
- No configuration for Netbeans except for the languages i want to use it for. It can be used for C++, PHP and Ruby as well but the more language added, the larger the download size and hence longer download time. No configuration for web server as well. Just need to choose which to install. Either Glassfish or Apache Tomcat.